Netflix’s Big Data Architecture

So,Netflix utilizes data to suggest shows to visitors. How? Hordes of data scientists analyze what we’re watching, when we’re watching it — to make each dashboard match the interests of its viewers. That’s why no two dashboards are alike.

This is all thanks to an abundance of data being generated by you and me. It’s no surprise that we love data so much. It inspires beautiful, carefully curated experiences for users. But with great opportunity, comes great risk.

Data can be a powerful resource if used properly, but can also be a swamp of jumbled, unintelligible information.

So how this data is managed by Netflix ,this is the topic of discussion for this article..

From relatively humble beginnings as a DVD-by-mail service, Netflix has grown into one of the most influential media streaming service in the world. The company was one of the first to see the potential of streaming technology and began to transition to a subscription video-on-demand model in 2007. Since this transition,annual revenue has grown from 1.36 billion to around 15.8 billion in just ten years. The number of Netflix subscribers has followed a similar trend, growing from less than 22 million in 2011 to nearly 150 million in 2019. The service is becoming so popular that an estimated 37 percent of the world’s internet users use Netflix.

So Data is the main form of business in today’s world,the more data you have the bigger your business is..

“Where there is data smoke, there is business fire.”
— Thomas Redman

Now let us know how Netflix uses Big Data to achieve what it does…

By gathering information across every customer interaction, Netflix can dive right into the minds of its viewers and get an idea of what they might like to watch next even before they finish a show or movie.

So through the data Netflix acquires by tracking our day-to-day activities it has been able to provide us with the services and with high efficiency.

For acquiring such awesome features , Netflix has deployed several algorithms and mechanisms that make use of this data and generate critical insights that help steer the company in the right direction. Some of these tools and features are:

● Real-Time Recommendation Engine

Based on the ratings, Netflix categorizes its media and suggests the viewer what the recommendation system thinks they might like to watch next.Netflix will know everything.

Netflix will know when a person stops watching it. They have all of their algorithms and will know that this person watched five minutes of a show and then stopped. They can tell by the behavior and the time of day that they are going to come back to it, based on their history.

– Mitchell Hurwitz

Artwork & Imagery Selection

AVA takes a lot of metrics into consideration before finalizing on images, such as facial expressions of actors, the scene lighting, areas of interest, positioning of subjects on screen. It even categorizes and sorts artworks to show to users categorized into several taste groups.

● Production Planning

With prior experience in creating new and original content and loads of data about how the viewers perceived the previous content, Big Data helps bring out the possible solutions to many of the challenges faced during the planning phase.

These challenges could include identifying shoot locations, time and day of the shoot, and more. Even with simple prediction models, Netflix can save a significant amount of effort put into planning, further reducing expenses.

Netflix is commissioning original content because it knows what people want before they do.

– The New York Times

● Metaflow

The idea behind Metaflow was to shift the focus of data scientists from worrying about the infrastructure of models to solving problems. Metaflow allowed them the freedom to experiment with their ideas by offering a set of fine-tuned features that almost makes Metaflow feel like a plug-and-play framework. A few noteworthy features of Metaflow are:

● Ability to work on a distributed computing platform

● Option to snapshot code and data for versioning and experimenting

● High-speed and high-performance S3 client

● Support for most machine learning frameworks

Metaflow — A simple Python library(source)

● Polynote

● Provides insights into kernel status and tasks in execution

● Offers simplistic dependency and configuration management

● Provides IDE-like features such as auto-complete, error highlights, reproducibility, editing, improvements, visibility, data visualization and many more.

● Metacat

This need for simplicity gave birth to Metacat, whose sole purpose was to provide centralized metadata access for all data stores. Netflix created Metaflow with the intent of serving the following core objectives:

● To unify and provide centralized views of metadata systems

● To offer a singular API for datasets metadata for platforms

● To provide a solution for business and user metadata storage of datasets

● Druid

“Apache Druid is a high performance real-time analytics database. It’s designed for workflows where fast queries and ingest really matter. Druid excels at instant data visibility, ad-hoc queries, operational analytics, and handling high concurrency.”


Netflix uses Apache Druid for ensuring that its users get a high-quality user experience every time. Delivering a top-notch user experience every time is not a simple feat. It requires constant analysis of several events, gathering the necessary data and analyzing it. This data could be anything from the playback information, to device information, to measuring platform performance and several others. All these event metrics make raw data complicated, and that’s where Druid comes into play.

Druid’s task is to provide real-time analytics on databases where queries execute regularly and at uncertain time-periods. It is highly scalable and offers excellent performance for any given workload.

● Use of Python

● Applications managing the CDN infrastructure

● Analyzing operational data, traffic distribution and operating efficiency

● Prototyping visualization tools

● Gaining insights via statistical tools, data exploration and cleaning

● For maintaining information security

● Managing several core tasks using Jupyter notebooks

● For experimentation using A/B tests


Using big data, Netflix saves $1 billion per year on customer retention.

Today, many companies use big data to expand and enhance their businesses, and one of the best video streaming services — Netflix, is a perfect example of that. The digital users’ favorite streaming service, Netflix had 163.5 million subscribers as of October 2019. Now, the California-based company can help us answer the question: what are the benefits of big data? Well, one of the benefits of using big data in streaming services is customer retention as a result of lower subscription cancelation rates. Netflix has a strategy to tie its audience to their seats, and big data is a big part of that strategy.

Some of the information Netflix collects includes searches, ratings, re-watched programs, and so on. This data helps Netflix provide its users with personalized recommendations, show videos similar to the ones they’ve already watched, or suggest various titles from a specific genre. Plus, we have to admit that the company’s “Continue Watching” feature improves the user experience a lot.

While going through various big data statistics, we discovered that back in 2009 Netflix invested $1 million in enhancing its recommendation algorithm. What’s even more interesting is that the company’s budget for technology and development stood at $651 million in 2015. In 2018, the budget reached $1.3 billion.

As for the $1 billion in savings from customer retention, this was just a rough estimate Carlos Uribe-Gomez and Neil Hunt made in 2016. We believe that number is significantly higher now, as, among other reasons, Netflix spent over $12 billion on content in 2018, and that number reached $17 billion in 2020.

So as we now know how Netflix manages its data ,you are left with one task that is like and share this blog …

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